Tuesday, 17 February 2015


 Japanese sci-fi art that 72 to 1985

Variety of images from sci-fi art from around 1972 to 1985 rings of picked this collection of work  refund of the colours and how the background is really so mood for a futuristic placing the stars and moons all line and glorious colourful illuminating background. it almost feels romantic in a way that  set a mood with colour and with imagery

 another amazing image will be different outcomes the colourful background achieved the ice of used yellow orange and white depicts a doomsday around the world should  should I say the imagery itself is clear on what the ice is trying to show the buildings are all destroyed in the city itself is left in ruins but what really, I in this design is the colourful use in the clouds is not the imagery that's  informing you that it the colour  that sits at certain type of mood within this image

 probably one of my favourites in this collection of imagery from around 75 to 85 really like the bald simple shapes in the use of line saw gives you the sense from parallel world or in unwinding Road is constant and can be forever used a mixture between this colour could be a really unique thing. for auction on my concept I will experiment with a variety to fix to ensure I'm in the best possible and informal information that I need to suck succeed with technical project of this scale

in future robot was on its way in the 80s captured this variety of unique artwork that could never be recaptured  beginning the 80s was a cult classic capturing futuristic retro work calls themselves wanted with imagery so well as they created its own style that could  be recreated.

 and then music bond between music and 80s culture was gigantic and so will point for this retro unique style as you can see the limit colours in this image really set the mood for the design itself..

 a very different design to some of the designs  dialogue that still the same  principles of the variety of other work  that looked at really like of collage type usually space within the moon in the background image been blue this really separates and notes a sci-fi feel to the image.

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