Thursday, 16 October 2014

bryan lewis saunders

  1.  Brayan lewis saunders

  1. Bryan Lewis Saunders is a performance artist, videographer, and performance poet known for his disturbing spoken word rants, tragic art performances.

On 30 of march in  1995, Saunders began drawing at least one self-portrait every day for the rest of his life. For 11 days in 2001, Saunders conducted an experiment in which he ingested or inhaled a different intoxicant everyday and created a self-portrait under the influence documenting the effects of his altered perception.On May 16, 2010 Saunders performed in the Palau de la Virreina as part of the International Poetry Festival in Barcelona alongside bibble hansen Eugene S. Robinson  "The Ugly Americans".In January 2011, a selection of the drug induced self-portraits presented online went viral. In 2003, Saunders began sleeping with a cassette recorder and documenting both his dreams and which led to a wealth of source material for both audio releases and books. here are some examples of bryans work from under the influence 

Bryan Lewis Saunders likes to take drugs, both legal and illegal, and then draw pictures of himself. The results are strikingly different from drug to drug, and they vary from beautiful to grotesque, abstract and just plain bizarre.

An artist in his mid-40s from Virginia, now living in Tennessee, Saunders has completed more than 9,930 self-portraits to date (though not all under the influence of a drug).
He said he explored tragedy and social problems for a couple years, then switched to exploring sleep, pain and personality assessment—then drugs. He's most interested in the "things that are still a mystery to us all," he said in an email.
In 2012 Saunders told Wired magazine he'd decided to do a self-portrait every day for the rest of his life so that he "could die knowing that I tried to experience as much as possible when I was alive."

10mg Ambien

this is a prescription drug for insomniacs and some brain disorders. Side effects include nausea, dizzyness, vomiting, increased impulsivity and either an increase or decrease of libido. Sounds confusing. but i really like how he used  worm colours in this image they have really inspired my process on the brief Im not saying i am taken Ambien or am i ........

Butane Honey Oil

this is butane honey oil also another term for Hash Oil apparently, but I . Looks like it’s worth trying judging by the  happy expression and the smile on his face.i am starting to see a patten with bryans work the use of worn colours short of add to the feeling of the painting and the feel of the drug. 

Bath Salts

Well, we all  no and read about the effects of this lovely concoction recently  Thankfully Bryan managed to avoid getting striped down to his  birthday suit and eating anyones   He face right off  i have just draw a mental picture instead, where it looks like he’s eaten own face off.

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