Thursday, 16 April 2015

Level 5- Communicating and Understanding Briefs- Pt2. Understanding and Organising Briefs

 understanding brief  part-two 

currently at  university  my year group  is   currently receive our assignments in the shap of a brief, in  the same format   that would receive in the working world.

 written and  spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by an high level of law with the working Industry.

a brief that the artist will be paid in full according that the  work is required.  contracts
 are a  really powerful thing in the world of business which is not easily broken without serious legal repercussions. 
"A material breach is a breach that reaches to the heart of the contract’s subject matter and negatively affects the outcome of the agreement. The essential requirement for a material breach is that the non-breaching party did not receive the “substantial benefit” of the bargain.
A material or “major” breach usually has the effect of defeating the parties’ intentions in the contract. If the breach seems unfair or has gone beyond the terms of the contract, it is usually a material breach." [1]
example of these breaches would be if a plumber was employed to install some copper pipe inside the walls in a bathroom. If he used silver pipe, which was actually of a higher or equal quality, this would be considered a breach of contract but a minor breach because there are no adverse effects on the quality of the work commissioned by the homeowner.

highlight important parts or stick the brief where they can constantly see it,. at the beginning of their working sketchbook or at the wall of their workstation. 

[1] accessed 23/10/2014

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